The First Sunday of Advent
November 29, 2020
Dear Friends in Christ,
Trinity Church will hold (rain or shine) a service of Holy Eucharist with Spiritual Communion at 10:00 am under the picnic shelter on the First Sunday of Advent, November 29, 2020. Spiritual Communion means that though we will as a community consecrate the elements of bread and wine, we will not distribute the sacrament but will pray in thanksgiving for Christ's presence amongst us and for the blessings we know as a community in Christ. Spiritual Communion has been acknowledged and practiced for years in military life; for those unable due to illness or injury to receive the physical sacrament; and in the time of this COVID-19 pandemic it is offered as the safest way to celebrate Holy Eucharist. We will also hold our 2021 Annual Parish Meeting during this service.
Other COVID-19 accommodations will be observed. All persons attending this service must wear a physical face covering at all times. We will not be able to engage in singing and we will provide seating that places participants with six feet of space from each other. For those who wish, they may bring their own chairs and choose to sit under the open sky away from the roof of the picnic shelter. Please note, however, we do not have an amplification system and I will be speaking through a mask at all times as will those who read the scripture lessons.
I encourage all members of this community to make healthy decisions for themselves. In light of the recent resurgence of COVID-19 infections, choosing to attend or not attend this service is a matter that all must decide for themselves in accordance with their own sense of personal safety. We will attempt to record the service and upload it for viewing but we will not be able to guarantee a live stream owing to the physical distance of the picnic shelter from our wi-fi coverage.
If you plan to attend, it would be helpful to me and to those setting up if you would email or telephone the church office by noon on Saturday, November 28th.and let us know the number of persons from your household that will be present. Contact information to do just that appears below.
Yours in Christ,
[email protected]